john burns
creativity, design, change leadership, #edreform
I'm the Chief Innovation Officer for International Schools Services (#ISSedu) and advise around educational reform, change leadership, agile design and contemporary learning.
Saigon South International School | The American School in Japan | Singapore American School | Marymout International School in Rome | The International School of Kuala Lumpur | Jakarta International School | The American International School In Guangzhou | St Mary's International School in Tokyo | Education Queensland | Nanjing International School | Navitas Workforce Solutions | American School in Doha
Vietnam Tech Conference | NESA Institute | Chief Innovation Officer Summit
Apple Leadership Summit | Learning 2 | Next Generation Learning Spaces
21CLHK | RDFZ Summit | The iPad Conference | Inclusive Learning Technologies | IdeaXchange | QSITE | CreateWorld | ACEC, Global Educational Leadership Summit AAIE, and others.
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